Serial Communication With Pic 16F877 Using Uart
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Serial Communication With Pic 16F877 Using Uart

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Serial Communication With Pic 16F877 Using Uart' title='Serial Communication With Pic 16F877 Using Uart' />Blog Entry PIC18 Pulse Width Modulation PWM DC Motor Speed Controller with the RPM Counter Project December 9, 2009 by rwb, under Microcontroller. Tiny Bootloader. This is a bootloader for the Microchip PIC microcontrollers. It is the smallest bootloader, taking less than 100 words of program space. Software The firmware for this project is developed using mikroC Pro for PIC compiler. The program uses an 85 byte 320 bits array Buffer85 to store the. On this page you will find the toys, kids are playing with these days. In order to play with them you will need Time Solve this with your wife or girlfriend. In this tutorial I will discuss how to practically do a simple communication over RS232 interface of the PIC Microcontroller. Microcontroller PIC Projects are categorized on the basis of microcontroller applications. Microchip pic microcontrollers belongs to modern family of MCUs. Measurement and control of temperature and relative humidity finds applications in numerous areas. These days devices are available which have both temperature and. LiyRudc2keM/VQVjqZZFVLI/AAAAAAAAAXU/UUjOVBNsS98/s1600/PC-Serial-PORT-communication-by-using-IC-MAX232.png' alt='Serial Communication With Pic 16F877 Using Uart' title='Serial Communication With Pic 16F877 Using Uart' />PIC1. Pulse Width Modulation PWM DC Motor Speed Controller with the RPM Counter Project. Equipped with sophisticated Enhanced CaptureComparePWM ECCP peripheral the Microchip PIC1. F1. 4K5. 0 microcontroller could produce up to four PWM channels output. The enhanced PWM Pulse Width Modulation mode in ECCP peripheral is capable to drive the full bridge DC Motor circuit directly both in forward or reverse direction. It also could generate single PWM output on the selectable PIC1. Serial-Data-Received-from-PC-and-Displayed-on-16x2-Using-USART-of-Pic16f877-Microcontroller-schematic-615x273.jpg' alt='Serial Communication With Pic 16f877 Using Uart 800' title='Serial Communication With Pic 16f877 Using Uart 800' />To forward our first step in the field of wireless communication by interfacing android with pic microcontroller via Bluetooth open lots of way to work on. F1. 4K5. 0 pins when it configured in pulse steering mode. In this tutorial we will take advantage of PIC1. F1. 4K5. 0 pulse steering mode to drive the DC Motor and at the same time we will build the RPM Rotation per Minute counter to observe the PWM effect on the DC Motor speed and display it on the 21. LCD. The PWM and RPM Counter Project. On this project we will use the HITEC C PRO PIC1. MCU Family Version 9. PL3 and Microchip MPLAB IDE version 8. This project also serves as the learning tools of how to use many of the Microchip PIC1. You could see the complete project demonstrated on the video at the end of this tutorial Ok now lets list down all the project interesting features Using Advanced 8 bit Microchip PIC1. F1. 4K5. 0 microcontroller with PICJazz 2. PIN development board. Driving the HD4. 47. U 21. 6 LCD in 4 bit data mode. Use DC Motor taken from discarded dual shock PS2 Playstation joystick and the Tamiya racing car tire for measuring the DC Motor RPMSimple and easy to build RPM sensor with the infra red reflective object sensor. Use the ADC peripheral to read the trimport value for adjusting the DC Motor Speed and display the PWM duty cycle on the LCDUse the PIC1. F1. 4K5. 0 external interrupt and 1. TIMER0 counter to measure the RPM and display it on the LCD. The following is the C code that makes this thing happens. File Name pwmrpm. Version 1. 0. Description PIC1. Pulse Width Modulation with RPM Counter. Author RWB. Target PICJazz 2. PIN Board PIC1. 8F1. K5. 0. Compiler HI TECH C PRO PIC1. MCU FamilyLite Version 9. PL3. IDE Microchip MPLAB IDE v. Programmer PICKit. Last Updated 2. Nov 2. PIC1. 8F1. 4K5. 0 Configuration Bit. FCMDIS Fail Safe Clock Monitor disabled. CPUDIV0 No CPU System Clock divide. RCIO Internal RC Oscillator. PLLDIS PLL is under software control. BORDIS Brown out Reset disabled in hardware and software. WDTDIS WDT is controlled by SWDTEN bit of the WDTCON register. MCLREN MCLR pin enabled, RE3 input pin disabled. XINSTDIS Disable extended instruction set Legacy mode. LVPDIS Single Supply ICSP disabled. CONFIG1, FCMDIS CPUDIV0 RCIO PLLDIS. CONFIG2, BORDIS WDTDIS. CONFIG3, MCLREN. CONFIG4, XINSTDIS LVPDIS. CONFIG5, 0x. FFFF. CONFIG6, 0x. FFFF. CONFIG7, 0x. FFFF LCD Definition. LCDHOME 0x. 02. define LCDNEXTLINE 0x. C0. define LCDCLEAR 0x. LCD1. CYCLE 0. define LCD2. CYCLE 1 RPM Counter Variable. Delay Function. FOSC 1. UL Using Internal Clock of 1. MHz. definedelayusx unsigned char dcnt. ULFOSC1. while dcnt 0 continue. PIC1. 8 High priority Interrupt Service. Rs Emulate 5000 Serial Number. TMR0. IF Check for TIMER0 Overflow Interrupt. Reset the RPM Value. TMR0. IF0 Clear TIMER0 interrupt flag. INT0. IF Check for External INT0 Interrupt. First Low to High Pulse. TMR0. H 0 Zero the high byte in TMR0. H Buffer. TMR0. L 0 Clear 1. TIMER0 Counter. pulsestate1. Second Low to High Pulse. TMR0. L Get the first 8 bit TIMER0 Counter. TMR0. H lt lt 8 Get the last 8 bit TIMER0 Counter Calculate RPM 6. Period. RPM Value 6. INT0. IF 0 Clear INT0 interrupt flag. LCD Data RB7,RB6,RB5,RB4. LCD Control RC7 E Enable, RC6 RS Register Select, RW Always 0. LCDputcmdunsigned char data,unsigned char cmdtype. Put the Upper 4 bits data. PORTB data 0x. F0. RC60 RS 0. RC71 E 1 E0 write data. Delay 1us for 1. 6 MHz Internal Clock. One cycle write, cmdtype 1 Two cycle writes. Put the Lower 4 bits data. PORTB data 0x. F lt lt 4. RC60 RS 0. RC71 E 1. E0 write data. delayus1 Delay 1us for 1. MHz Internal Clock. Wait for busy flag BF. LCDputchunsigned char data. Put the Upper 4 bits data. PORTB data 0x. F0. RC61 RS 1. RC71 E 1 E0 write data. Delay 1us for 1. 6 MHz Internal Clock. Put the Lower 4 bits data. PORTB data 0x. F lt lt 4. RC61 RS 1. RC71 E 1. E0 write data. delayms5 Wait for busy flag BF. LCDinitvoid. Wait for more than 1. VCC rises to 4. 5 V. Send Command 0x. 30. LCDputcmd0x. 30,LCD1. CYCLE Wait for more than 4. Send Command 0x. 30. LCDputcmd0x. 30,LCD1. CYCLE Wait for more than 1. Delay 2. 50us for 1. MHz Internal Clock Send Command 0x. LCDputcmd0x. 30,LCD1. CYCLE Function set Set interface to be 4 bits long only 1 cycle write. LCDputcmd0x. 20,LCD1. CYCLE Function set DL0 Interface is 4 bits, N1 2 Lines, F0 5x. LCDputcmd0x. 28,LCD2. CYCLE Display Off D0 Display off, C0 Cursor Off, B0 Blinking Off. LCDputcmd0x. 08,LCD2. CYCLE Display Clear. LCDputcmd0x. 01,LCD2. CYCLE Entry Mode Set ID1 Increament, S0 No shift. LCDputcmd0x. 06,LCD2. CYCLE Display On, Cursor Off. LCDputcmd0x. 0C,LCD2. CYCLE. void LCDputsconst char. While not Null. if n. LCDputcmdLCDNEXTLINE,LCD2. CYCLE Goto Second Line. LCDputch. Implementing integer value from 0 to 6. Start with ASCII 0. Keep Looping for larger than 1. Increase ASCII character. Subtract number with 1. Default first Digit to 0. Put the first digit digit 0 Start with ASCII 0. Keep Looping for larger than 1. Increase ASCII character. Subtract number with 1. Default Second Digit to 0. Put the Second digit digit 0 Start with ASCII 0. Keep Looping for larger than 1. Increase ASCII character. Subtract number with 1. Default Second Digit to 0. Put the Second digit digit 0 Start with ASCII 0. Keep Looping for larger than 1. Increase ASCII character. Subtract number with 1. Default Second Digit to 0. Put the Second digit sdigit40 number. OSCCON0x. 70 Select 1. MHz internal clock Initial PORT. TRISA 0x. 30 Input for RA4 and RA5. TRISC 0x. 01 Set RC0 as Input, RClt 7 1 on PORTC as Output. PORTC 0x. 00 Initial Port C. TRISB 0x. 00 Set PORTB as Output. PORTB 0x. 00 Initial Port B. TRISB 0x. 00 Set All on PORTB as Output. ANSEL 0x. 08 Set PORT AN3 to analog input. ANSELH 0x. 00 Set PORT AN8 to AN1. Joyous Celebration 9 S there. Digital IO Initial LCD using 4 bits data interface. LCDputsPICJazz 2. PINn Init ADC. ADCON00b. ADC port channel 3 AN3, Enable ADC. ADCON10b. 00. 00. Use Internal Voltage Reference Vdd and Vss. ADCON20b. 00. 10. Left justify result, 1. TAD, Select the FRC for 1. MHz. Init TIMER0 Period 4 x Tosc x Prescale for each counter. Tosc 11. 6 Mhz 0. TIMER0 Period 4 x 0. Second 0. 0. 32 ms. T0. CON 0b. 10. TIMER0 Enable, use 1. TMR0. H 0 Zero the high byte in TMR0. H Buffer. TMR0. L 0 Clear 1. Making a 8x. 40 LED matrix marquee using shift registers. LED matrix displays provide flexibility to display text, graphics, animations, and video, and therefore, they have become a popular mean of displaying information these days. You can see them at gas stations displaying the gas prices, or in the public places displaying information, and alongside highways displaying advertisements on large dot matrix panels. This project is about constructing a mono color LED matrix display board that consists 3. LEDs arranged in 8 rows and 4. The heart of this project is PIC1. F1. 84. 7 microcontroller which receives data from a PC through a serial port or USB using an USB UART interface, and display on the LED matrix with the help of five 7. HC5. 95 shift registers. LED Matrix Display. Theory. If you are not familiar with LED matrices at all, I strongly suggest to read my two experimental tutorials that were posted earlier Basics of LED matrix display  and Scrolling text message on an LED matrix. The first tutorial describes the basic structure of LED matrices and the multiplexing technique of driving them to display static characters. The second tutorial is focussed more on creating animation and demonstrates the concept of displaying a scrolling message on a matrix of 1. LEDs. This project is basically a continuation of those two tutorials and I am hopeful it will further improve your understanding of driving a bigger size LED matrix display, both at hardware and software level. The operational part of the project hardware is described in the following section along with the circuit diagram. Circuit diagrams. Five 88 square LED display modules are arranged in a linear fashion to construct an 8 row X 4. The LED display modules I used in this project are NFM 1. AS from Futurlec. They are common row cathode type, which means the cathodes of all the LEDs in each individual row are interconnected, and therefore each row pin is supposed to sink currents from eight LEDs in that row. The similar row pins of all 5 modules are further connected together and are fed to the the output sinks of an ULN2. IC, which consists of 8 Darlington arrays. Now each output pin of ULN2. LEDs in that particular row. Since ULN2. 80. 3 can sink current up to 5. A per pin, the current per LED is limited to 5. A. The anode terminals of LEDs are accessible through column pins. Since we are going to apply row scanning technique read  Scrolling text message on an LED matrix, each column pin needs to source current for only one LED, as only one row is active in that column at a time. The columns are driven by the outputs of a 4. HC5. 95 ICs. The 7. HC5. 95 device is an 8 bit serial input and parallelserial output shift register. The serial output feature allows cascading of multiple 7. HC5. 95 devices. From engineering point of view, 7. HC5. 95 may not be a good choice as column drivers because they are not meant for sourcing current for LEDs. But several experiments done by people including me have shown that they can drive LEDs reasonably bright, and therefore can be used as column drivers in an LED matrix project like this. The microcontroller used in this project is PIC1. F1. 84. 7 from the enhanced mid range 8 bit PIC family. It runs at 3. 2 MHz using its internal clock source with PLL enabled. PORTB provides ground path for individual rows cathode through the ULN2. RA0, RA1, and RA2 pins are used to control the Data, SHCP, and STCP lines of the cascaded shift registers. Pin 8 and 7 of PIC1. F1. 84. 7 are the default pins for UART communication. They go to the USB UART module for serial communication with the PC. A serial terminal program running on the PC can be used to send character data to the microcontroller which saves the received information into its internal EEPROM.